Monday, June 2, 2014

"going to the chapel, and i`m, gonnnnna get ma-a-a-rried"............................June 2, 2014



                                                     Daniel and Elehem Alvarez and Franco
                                                           Montevideo, Uruguay Temple

                                                    Megan and her travel companion, Florencia

All is well here in Artigas! But there is something else to be written today.

Before my mission, a common phrase I told people when I talked about going 3 years without seeing my sister for our missions, was "it`ll be worth it to help other people to have the eternal family that we were born with."

Ever since then, my main goal in the mission, more than baptisms, was that: eternal families. Specifically, I wanted to be able to SEE one become eternal in the temple of the Lord.

In January, I got to Colonia. My second day there, we had a family home evening with the Elders and a menos activo family. They were SO amazing. They had their greatest desire as being sealed in the temple, but they weren`t going to church. I remember crystal clear that night talking about how they would reach their goal, and one of the Elders said "maybe it will take awhile. Maybe when you do it, we already won`t be here in Uruguay. But either way, when you do, we want a picture." From THAT moment, we started working with the family more, and as we did so, I started to fall in love with them. And so I started to pray, EVERY prayer that I said, that the Lord would permit me to be there for their sealing. Even when I got to Artigas, I didn`t stop.

On Saturday, I was IN the picture of the day that Elehem and Daniel Alvarez, and their 2-year-old piece of perfection Franco, became a family for time and ALL eternity in the temple of our God.

Zumeta called me on Tuesday to tell me. Normally, the rule is that we can`t be there for a temple sealing unless they`re our own converts. But, her birthday was on Monday, and when President Smith called her and wished her happy birthday, he asked her if there was anything he could do for her for her birthday. So she took advantage of the moment and said "well President, I would really like to go to Elehem and Daniel Alvarez`s temple sealing." And he gave her permission! So she said "call him, see what he says!" So on Wednesday, I call him, and this is how the conversation went:

Me: Now President, before anything, I would like to remind you that my birthday is in less than 2 months, and you can give me my gift now and you don`t even have to worry about me for the rest of my mission.
President: Hermana Dolan, does this have anything to do with that temple sealing on Saturday?
Me: President! You know me so well! How did you know?
President: A dad just knows these things.
Haaaaaaa so great. But the point is, if I could find someone going to Montevideo to travel with me (since I can`t travel alone), I could go. Luckily, FLORENCIA was anxious to visit her sister and also do baptisms in the temple.

So it all came together, and after months of pleading prayers, my prayer was answered and my dreams came true. And even better than that, Elehem asked me to be her escort in the Endowment. Such an honor that I didn`t anywhere near deserve, but one I am so grateful for. Elder Castellanos was Daniel`s. Her parents couldn`t make it and his family aren`t members, and so us missionaries were their family that day.  

It was BEAUTIFUL. So beautiful. The first time I have ever seen it. I felt closer to Heaven than ever before, especially as I could literally SEE them glimpse the streets of Heaven as their family went from being temporal to being eternal. Franco was so perfect. Daniel lost it and started bawling when Franco walked in, all cute and dressed in white. He looked at his dad and said "Papà, why are you dressed funny?" And then looked at all of us and said "what are they doing here?" And then looked at his mom and said "Mamà, why are you crying?" He was so perfect. They are so perfect. GOD is so good, and so so perfect.

Florencia and i had a great time together, and she was grateful to be able to do baptisms. I love her!

And yet another surprise: Brian and Angela went to Montevideo just to see me. Their turn will be here all too soon to get sealed as well.

I KNOW families are forever. I`m so grateful that I have mine for forever. I`m so grateful that Daniel and Elehem, some amazing amazing AMAZING people-some of the best I`ve ever met, who have taught me way more than I could have taught them, is bonded forever, and I hope to do all that I can to make it to where their going to see them again.

I KNOW the Lord is always with us. I KNOW He answers prayers. I already knew that before, but now my testimony has strengthened ten fold.

I KNOW this church is true. And THIS is why I am here! Any hard experience I have ever had in my mission is one hundred percent worth it for the perfect, unforgettable days like Saturday.

It still isn`t even real! I have done absolutely nothing to deserve all of the bounteous blessings that the Lord has given me in just 9 months. But that`s the infinite love of our Father in Heaven and our Savior: we are completely imperfect, and we make mistakes every day, and sometimes we let them down, but yet, for some crazy reason that could really only be explained with the love they have for us, They never stop giving. They never stop blessing. They always have more.

I know this Gospel is true and I am loving every day; even the hard ones! I love this work, and I love Uruguay.

And I love you, I love you, I love you! Have a great week!

Hermana Dolan 

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