Wednesday, March 4, 2015

They accept....................March 4, 2015

Last week, I saw someone writing on their motorcycle....with a sheep in their lap. A sheep. a full grown one. It doesnt get any more Uruguay than that. 

also, pday is today because of the PATRIA GAUCHA. It`s the gaucho celebration that they do here in T-Bo, since gauchos originate from here. it`s basically a deal of cowboys and old fashioned things and really good food, and it`s all this next week, but today its only 20 pesos (less than a dollar) to get in. It`s about the closest thing there is to a rodeo, and since i love rodeos....i`m stoked. we`re going this afternoon.

Hey folks! How are you all doing? I am doing awesome. This week was amazing, just like all of them are. And guess what? On Saturday, i completed 18 months. Can`t believe it. In the mission, when the hermanas who came to the mission with an elder go home, the elder for his last 6 months is jokingly called an "hermana fiel" (faithful sister....serving 6 months extra haahha). So anyway, for this month, i also get to be an "hermana fiel." Rock and roll! 

So now i am with Hna Caquias. She is awesome! She`s from Hna Gruden`s group, so she`s also a semi newbie. But she`s got a lot of desires to work and she`s stoked for TBO, even though her first area was Montevideo so it is a HUUUUUUGGEEE change for her. i think she`s going through culture shock all over again haha. She has to learn the area really fast since I`m leaving early so we`re jumping right into that. 

Also, Renè accepted fecha for the 28 of March, and went to church again on Sunday! He`s excited about his date. Please pray for him to remain strong, because he is so ready! :) we`ve also been able to find some new investigators this week, which has been really great. 

When someone finishes their mission here, the day before they go home they are in the mission home all day. They have a self sufficiency class, go to the temple, final interview, dinner, final testimony meeting. Since i`m not going home with anybody, I got to go with my group that`s finishing. We don`t need to talk about the self sufficiency class....haha. 

But the temple was the best experience I`ve had in the temple ever, and it was my last time in the one in Montevideo. So many emotions stirred inside of me. I was excited. Nervous. Anxious. Because there was where I would talk to my Father, and give Him my report for these 18 months and my promise for what i would accomplish in this last one. How is my report? Is it accepted? Is my work accepted? And in His house that day, I was filled with the sweetest confirmation that He is proud of what I`ve done. That I`ve done well. That I gave it all I had. That assurance was reconfirmed in the final testimony meeting when Hna Smith shared that confirmation she received in her heart as she heard each of us bare the testimonies the Lord has given us in this time in His service. I am so thankful I get even MORE time. :) 

Apparently when people are finishing their mission, anything goes....haha because after testimonies we were in the mission home with President and Hna Smith, playing ping pong and eating SO MUCH FOOD (seriously, hna smith just kept whipping it out. including quesadillas and salsa. i wanted to cry of happiness), until abouuuuut...midnight. Haha it was the best. I have many fond memories of moments passed in their home with them. I am so thankful for them and for who they are.  

I cried when I said goodbye to Hna Chen, the only other sister finishing with me, before they took her to the airport to go home to Guatemala. I`ve known her my whole mission and she is one of my truly dear friends. And then Hna Gruden and i cried again when we said goodbye....i love that Grudy. she is seriously my best friend. And then Hna Caquias and I came back up to TBO together, to continue in the work. :) And that`s the best part. 

Anyway, lovin TBO, loving the Lord, loving life. 

I love you, i love you, I love you! 

Hermana Dolan 

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