Monday, March 31, 2014

I was not born to play soccer..............March 31, 2014

Hey guys! I hope everyone had a good week! This week was kind of a weird one...mostly because not a whole lot happened. But every week still has something. 

So first of all: Teresita. She is the aunt of Adan Aquino. I don't know if anybody's been paying attention, but la familia Aquino are total bosses about giving out references. Evidence: the 3 baptisms we have had in our branch in the past two weeks (Leandro, Angela and Brian) were references from them. I N C R E D I B L E. 

Anyway, we went with them one day to her apartment so that we could meet her with them. The poor woman has been through SO much. She came to church last Sunday (holla!), and afterwards told us even more about stuff she's been through. But she has a real desire to be baptized. We gave her a tour of the church and promised her the blessings of the Gospel, and how her life really can and will improve when she accepts it into her life. That's when she said "so when is the next baptism?" She's ready. She just talks a loooooooooooot, so we take the lessons more slowly with her. Plus, we want to make sure she understands that baptism isn't a magic pill that will fix everything. But the desire is there, and that's what's important. So we'll see how it goes! 

Satan has been working hard on some of the menos activos this week. For example, Daniel Alvarez is a really good singer, and some band here in Uruguay offered him a spot. But the thing is, he would almost never be able to go to church, and he would be traveling a ton. Elehem called us really worried because they got in a fight because of it. He is so close to receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood and they are so close to being sealed as a family! So please pray for them, and especially for Daniel that he can get his head on straight before I knock him into the next week.....haha, broma. Sort of. 

Also pray for Veronica, Mary, and Marita....they are all going through some really hard things individually and could use some prayers. 

On Saturday, we had a "Super Activity" combined with the branches in El Real y El General. It was the first activity of this size that the branch has ever done, and it was a huge success! It was mostly geared towards youth. It started with hot dogs for lunch as people came. The point of the activity was to find new people to teach, so as people came in they had to "register": put their name, address, and phone number if they had one. Then they could go play soccer, then basketball, then volleyball, then ping pong. Except nobody wanted to stop playing soccer (shocker, we're in South America) so we played that almost the whole time. I of course played....and the good news is i played better than I was expecting to, but the bad news is that that is still awful. Haha it was fun though. Maybe in a year I'll come home playing semi-well. :) The funny part though was that everybody was making fun of me (only Gringa playing soccer...duh)....until we played volleyball. Then I showed them. 

So there were two cute little 10-year-old boys who were there the whole day. One was the son of an investigator of the Elders, and the other was his friend, Alex. Alex was on my soccer team the whole day (even when he was team captain, he chose me to play on his team.....and didn't choose me last! Haha miracle). Well that night  after the activity, my comp and I were walking in the street, and there's this woman sitting in front of her house drinking mate, and she asks us "hey, are you guys from the church over there?" So we say yes, and it turns out she is Alex's mom! She thanked us for the activity and said that Alex came home super happy and excited, having had a lot of fun. She said there just isn't a place around that does activities like that. Her name is Karina, and besides Alex she has two other kids, a girl who's 11 and another boy who's 14. Her husband travels a lot for business, so she's alone a lot. We of course talked to her a little bit about the church, and she said she had talked to Elders in the street before but hadn't ever seen Sister Missionaries before. Well, here we are! She was SUPER receptive and said we could come back any day after 5:30, because she wants her kids to meet us and that's when they're home from school. So we're going today. Woooo miracles! 

I was studying this week a question in Preach My Gospel, that says "why should we seek divine light?" One of the references it gave was in Doctrine and Covenants 11, which says:

 11 For, behold, it is I that speak; behold, I am the alight which shineth in darkness, and by my bpower I give these words unto thee.
 12 And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your atrust in thatbSpirit which cleadeth to do dgood—yea, to do ejustly, to walkfhumbly, to gjudge righteously; and this is my Spirit.
 13 Verily, verily, I say unto you, I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall aenlighten your bmind, which shall fill your soul with cjoy;

So, why should we seek divine light? 

Because it is only by seeking the divine light (by study of the scriptures), that we can receive His power, according to v. 11. We can seek that light through diligent study, and, like verse 12 says, trust in that Light (in Jesus Christ.) That trust will lead us to be able to do all the things that verse 12 promises: do good, do justly, walk humbly, and judge righteously. 

But my favorite is verse 13. Our minds will be enlightened and our souls filled with joy. And why will our souls be filled with joy? Because our minds will be enlightened to the giving of a greater knowledge of God's love for us, and the words necessary in the moment to share the Gospel with someone else. Those two things are life's greatest joys! 

So basically, READ YOUR SCRIPTURES. Because they're awesome! 

Funny story for the week:

So on Tuesday, they cut our water in our apartment (haha such a blast.) The people in the mission who pay paid a little late, so the water got cut for a day. So I asked the Figares (senior missionaries) if the next day we could shower at their house (they live right across the street from us.) So Hermana Figares goes "of course, and then we'll send you home with some pitchers of water." But ALL of us heard "of course, and then we'll send you home with some pictures of water." So we all start laughing but she just looks at us like "what?" Then I realize what she ACTUALLY meant to say, and I explain to her what we all thought, and she just starts laughing and then goes "I wish I was that witty!" ....also don't worry guys, we showered in their house the next morning and then that afternoon the water was back on. 

Hahaha, there's always a funny story to be told. 

Sorry this was kind of a scattered email, I'll do better next week! 

But for now, 

I love you, I love you, I love you! 

Hermana Dolan 

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